Benefits of garlic for swine


Lactation phase: healthy sows, healthy piglets.

The high mortality rates during this period represent the main economic loss in this type of farms. Therefore, it is essential to ensure an adequate transfer of immunity from the mother to the piglet and a better quantity and quality of milk.

Garlicon helps mothers to optimally absorb nutrients. In this way, lactating piglets fed by the sow enjoy better health, reduce the incidence of diarrhea and mortality, and obtain better weaning weights and more homogeneous litters.

Weaning stage: helps the digestive tract to mature

During the weaning period, the immature digestive tract and reduced during the weaning period, the lack of maturity of the digestive tract and the reduced resistance due to stress lead to frequent episodes of diarrhea and intestinal inflammation in the piglet. This leads to numerous infectious processes that reduce the growth of the piglet and sometimes result in its death.

Garlicon promotes the optimal development of the intestinal mucosa, improving the piglet’s growth and preventing the entry of opportunistic pathogens. In this way, it helps to protect the piglet and reduce the cost of medication at this critical stage.

The performance of Garlicon is similar to that of colistin and zinc oxide growth promoters.

Fig. 1. Test performed on 240 piglets. Throughout the post-weaning period, piglets fed Garlicon had similar growth and feed conversion rates to those fed medicated diets and higher growth rates than those fed standard diets alone.

Garlicon range includes products adapted to the specific needs of piglets, both for the Pre-starter phase (21-42 d) and for the Starter phase (42-70 d).

Unlike other commercial garlic-based products, all Garlicon batches have standardized concentrations of active ingredients, ensuring repeatability of results under similar conditions.

As a result, in various tests carried out on piglets at different farms, the growth results were in all cases similar to those obtained using colistin as a growth promoter:

Fig. 2. Tests carried out in different livestock farms where similar results were obtained thanks to the homogeneity of the different batches of Garlicon.

Growing phase: improves productive yields

As this is the longest period, it is essential to achieve a good feed conversion ratio to reduce feeding costs. Optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients allows maximum growth potential to be achieved and reduces nitrogen excretion into the environment, thus complying with environmental policies.

At the same time, episodes of swine dysentery and coccidiosis are common during this phase, in addition to the strict controls for salmonella required by law before entering the slaughterhouse. The protective effect of Garlicon against Salmonella has been evaluated in independent studies, in which a reduction in the percentage of positive cases at entry to the slaughterhouse and after slaughter was observed.

A healthy gut has a balanced microbiota that protects the animal from the loss of performance associated with these events. Garlicon OSCs promote feed intake and utilization and therefore better growth rates in pigs, providing a differential value to solve these nutritional and environmental challenges.

By promoting better absorption and assimilation of nutrients, Garlicon allows animals to achieve better yields, even compared to healthy animals that do not consume it.

Fig. 3. Growth bait trial in 50 Large White piglets with an initial weight of 23 kg. The inclusion of Garlicon increased the homogeneity of the batches and improved growth compared to the control from the beginning of the trial.

Tackling the challenges of pig breeding and optimizing the productivity of our farm in a natural way is possible thanks to Garlicon.

Fig. 4. Test carried out in an experimental farm during the last month of baiting, in which it was found that Garlicon significantly improved animal growth.

  • Please read the technical data sheet and safety data shee before using the product.
  • Do not use as a therapeutic substitute for antibiotics.
  • A use other than the recommended doses described in technical data sheets may lead to unwanted effects.
  • Incompatibilities with other products are not known. Pre-testing is recommended in case of mixtures with other ingredients or additives.